You've probably heard about the cryptocurrency market and its volatile fluctuations, but did you know that it's still one of the best investment opportunities in 2017?
To get an understanding on how to invest time, money and knowledge into this market, we've compiled a list of what we believe are the best platforms for all types of investors. For beginners just entering the world of cryptocurrency with no prior knowledge, CoinBase is our number one choice.
CoinBase was established in 2012 and is based in San Francisco, California. Thousands of investors have used this platform to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies in just under seven years. However, it wasn't until the beginning of 2017 that it really took off, with an influx of cash from venture capital firms like Andreesen Horowitz leading to widespread media coverage.
Investors from countries like the United States can use CoinBase to make bank transfers and credit card purchases for bitcoins and ethereum without additional fees. Investors from most other countries can use the platform to purchase bitcoins or ethereum through a credit card.
CoinBase has a simple user interface and is very user-friendly. The option to buy and sell some digital currencies is available on mobile devices as well. It also allows users to change their currency without having to go out and convert it into dollars first. This allows users from all over the world to liquidate their holdings easily after purchasing one of the top currencies in 2017.
CoinBase has an excellent reputation among competitors, and has been gaining an even bigger following throughout 2017. It's easy to see why. CoinBase is simply the best way for beginners to invest in the cryptocurrency market.
Now that you're a knowledgeable investor and have your first couple coins in your hot wallet, it's time to move on and diversify. In order to do this efficiently, we recommend diversifying into different types of digital assets through every cryptocurrency exchange available at this time.
Using this strategy, you can make a profit in every currency. However, when looking at cryptocurrency exchanges it is equally important to determine which exchange is right for you. We'll do this by listing the top five exchanges that offer the best experience for new investors and traders.